Results for 'M. I︠A︡ Blokh'

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  1. Chelovek i mir skvozʹ prizmu i︠a︡zyka: filosofskie razdumʹi︠a︡: 49 teoriĭ, obrashchennykh k zdravomu smyslu.M. I︠A︡ Blokh - 2020 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Prometeĭ.
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  2. Funkt︠s︡ionalʹnai︠a︡ semantika sintaksicheskikh konstrukt︠s︡iĭ: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. I︠A︡ Blokh (ed.) - 1986 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. V.I. Lenina.
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  3. P. I︠A︡. Chaadaevʺ.M. O. Gershenzon & P. Ia Chaadaev - 1908 - S.-Peterburgʺ,: Tip. M. M. Stasi︠u︡levicha. Edited by P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev.
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    Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the Basic Direction of Research Work and Projects of the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, November 27, 1969.M. V. Keldysh & Ia V. Pieve - 1970 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (2):190-198.
    The transition from capitalism to socialism that is taking place in our epoch confronts the science of philosophy with the problem of theoretical analysis of the dialectics of contemporary social development and of progress in science and technology. Taking into consideration the fact that the process of social change is occurring under conditions of exacerbation of the ideological struggle of the forces of socialism and capitalism, Marxist philosophers face as their most important project a deep-going, comprehensive critique of current bourgeois (...)
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  5. Opisanie kursov filosofii i ritoriki professorov Kievo-Mogili︠a︡nskoĭ akademii.Ia M. Stratii, V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko - 1982 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka. Edited by V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko.
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    Boekbesprekingen.H. Suasso, J. De Fraine, P. Ahsmann, I. de la Potterie, I. de Ia Potterie, R. Leys, P. Smulders, P. Fransen, L. Steins Bisschop, H. Jans, P. Ploumen, S. Trooster, C. Sträter, J. Mulders, A. V. Kol, P. Huizing, J. Van Driessche, J. Rupert, P. Grootens, G. Achten, R. Loyens, J. Van Torre, J. Druyts, J. Nota, M. De Tollenaere, F. De Raedemaeker, L. Vander Kerken, W. Couturier, H. Geurtsen, E. Huffer, A. Snoeck, A. Poncelet & J. Kijm - 1955 - Bijdragen 16 (4):420-464.
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    Kultura, religia, pʻilosopʻia.M. Bariašvili - 2019 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Meridiani". Edited by Theo Kobusch, Georg Lohmann, Ivane Jagodnišvili & Jörg Hardy.
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  8. Ia very general notion, and some special ones.J. M. Hinton - 2009 - In Alex Byrne & Heather Logue, Disjunctivism: Contemporary Readings. MIT Press. pp. 13.
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  9. M. RUBIN On La ia complete extensions of complete theories of Boolean algebras 571 A. ROStANOWSKI• S. SHELAH Sweet & sour and other flavours of ccc forcing. [REVIEW]X. Li, M. Mostowski, K. Zdanowski, Mr Burke & M. Kada - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (5):720.
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    Discussion of the Work of the Institute of Philosophy by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.A. Ia Sharov - 1970 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (2):177-190.
    In November 1969, the USSR Academy of Sciences' Presidium held a discussion on the principal lines of work being engaged in by the Academy's Institute of Philosophy. A report on this matter was presented by the Institute's director, P. V. Kopnin, Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Participants in the discussion of the report were M. V. Keldysh, President of the USSR Academy, Academicians F. V. Konstantinov, M. B. Mitin, A. M. Rumiantsev and P. N. Fedoseev, and Corresponding Academician (...)
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  11. Rawls' Theory of Justice--IA Theory of Justice.R. M. Hare - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (91):144.
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  12. Apperly, IA, 287.E. Ashbridge, R. E. Baillargeon, P. Barrouillet, M. Brysbaert, H. H. Bülthoff, J. I. D. Campbell, P. Cavanagh, Q. Feng, I. Gauthier & M. A. Goodale - 1998 - Cognition 67:377.
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  13. Du dire de l'EIΔOΣ a l'OYΣIA Cause selon l'EIΔOΣ, ou de l'universel au singulier.M. Balmès - 1996 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 14 (2):3-37.
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  14. The will and its acts (Ia IIae, qq. 6-17).David M. Gallagher - 2002 - In Stephen J. Pope, The Ethics of Aquinas. Georgetown University Press. pp. 69--89.
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  15. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Design, {A} workshop of the {XIV} International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2015), Ferrara, Italy, September 22, 2015.Emilio M. Sanfilippo, Claudio Masolo & Daniele Porello (eds.) - 2015
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    Euripides, Ion 247–8.M. J. Cropp - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):261-.
    The second of these lines seems to be the result of an interpolation designed to spell out the implicit sense of the first. In 241–6 Ion has expressed amazement that Creusa should be weeping at the sight of Apollo's sanctuary, a sight which brings other visitors joy. She prefaces her explanation of this with an assurance which in its transmitted form is elegantly translated by Grégoire: ‘Il n'est point discourtois de ta part, étranger, de marquer ta surprise au sujet de (...)
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  17. Plato on the Grammar of Perceiving.M. F. Burnyeat - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):29-.
    The question contrasts two ways of expressing the role of the sense organ in perception. In one the expression referring to the sense organ is put into the dative case ; the other is a construction with the preposition δiá governing the genitive case of the word for the sense organ.
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    EU DAISIE Research Project: Wanted—Death Penalty to Keep Native Species Competitive? [REVIEW]M. Zisenis - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):597-606.
    Neobiota as non-native species are commonly considered as alien species. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) intends to “prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate those alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species”. The European Union has financed the DAISIE research project for the first pan-European inventory of Invasive Alien Species (IAS), which is supposed to serve as a basis for prevention and control of biological invasions. This paper discusses the evaluation approach for classifying “100 of the Worst” IAS (...)
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  19. Albertus Magnus, Opera omnia. Tomus I Pars IA: Super Porphyrium De V universalibus, ed. M. Santos Noya. Aschendorff, Münster i. Westfalen 2004 xxv & 201 pp. ISBN 3 402 04752 7 Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge grec et latin, 75 (2004), 220 pp. ISSN 0591-0358. contents. [REVIEW]S. Pedersen, Ordinis Minorum, M. Rossi & Stephen Gersh - 2005 - Vivarium 43:2.
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    Drugs in development for prophylaxis of rejection in kidney-transplant recipients.M. L. Sanders & A. J. Langone - 2015 - Transplant Research and Risk Management 2015.
    Marion Lee Sanders,1 Anthony James Langone2 1Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 2Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA: Transplantation is the preferred treatment option for individuals with end-stage renal disease. Individuals who undergo transplantation must chronically be maintained on an immunosuppression regimen for rejection prophylaxis to help ensure graft survival. Current rejection prophylaxis consists of using a combination of calcineurin inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors, antimetabolite (...)
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  21. Chronic Thought Suppression.Daniel M. Wegner & Sophia Zanakos - unknown
    Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI), was I'ound to correlate with n>casurcs of obsessional thinking and depressive and anxious al'lect, t pridic( signs «I' clinical «hscssion ainong individuals prone (oward «h»c»»i«n >I (hi>>king, (« predict depression tive (h (», and to predict I''iilurc «I' electr«dermal responses to habituate am«ng pci>pic having emotional thoughts. The WBSI was inversely correlated with repression as assessed by the Repression-Sensitization Scale, and so tap» a trait that i» itc unlike rcprc»si«n:is traditi«n;illy c«nccivcd.
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    Interoceptive impairments do not lie at the heart of autism or alexithymia.Toby Nicholson, David M. Williams, Catherine Grainger, Julia F. Christensen, Beatriz Calvo-Merino & Sebastian B. Gaigg - unknown
    Quattrocki and Friston (2014) argued that abnormalities in interoception—the process of representing one’s internal physiological states—could lie at the heart of autism, because of the critical role interoception plays in the ontogeny of social-affective processes. This proposal drew criticism from proponents of the alexithymia hypothesis, who argue that social-affective and underlying interoceptive impairments are not a feature of autism per se, but of alexithymia (a condition characterized by difficulties describing and identifying one’s own emotions), which commonly co-occurs with autism. Despite (...)
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  23. Design Knowledge Representation: An Ontological Perspective.Emilio M. Sanfilippo, Claudio Masolo & Daniele Porello - 2015 - In Emilio M. Sanfilippo, Claudio Masolo & Daniele Porello, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Design, {A} workshop of the {XIV} International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2015), Ferrara, Italy, September 22, 2015. pp. 41-54.
    We present a preliminary high-level formal theory, grounded on knowledge representation techniques and foundational ontologies, for the uniform and integrated representation of the different kinds of (quali- tative and quantitative) knowledge involved in the designing process. We discuss the conceptual nature of engineering design by individuating and analyzing the involved notions. These notions are then formally charac- terized by extending the DOLCE foundational ontology. Our ultimate purpose is twofold: (i) to contribute to foundational issues of design; and (ii) to support (...)
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    Internet Addiction and Emotional and Behavioral Maladjustment in Mainland Chinese Adolescents: Cross-Lagged Panel Analyses.Xiaoqin Zhu, Daniel T. L. Shek & Carman K. M. Chu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Adolescence is a developmental stage when adolescents are vulnerable to addictive behaviors, such as Internet addiction, which refers to pathological use of the Internet. Although there are views proposing that the links between IA and adolescent problem behavior may be bidirectional in nature, few studies have examined the reciprocal relationships between IA and other maladjustment indicators, and even fewer studies have simultaneously employed both emotional and behavioral maladjustment indicators in a single study. To address the above research gaps, the present (...)
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    Eden, A., Bowman, N., & Grizzard, M. (2019). Media entertainment. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. 250 pp. [REVIEW]Matea Mustafaj - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):317-319.
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    I∑hΓopia and Πapph∑ia (K.A.E.) Enenkel, (I.L.) Pfeijffer (edd.) The Manipulative Mode. Political Propaganda in Antiquity. A Collection of Case Studies. (Mnemosyne Supplementum 261.) Pp. vi + 318, ills. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Cased, €95, US$128. ISBN: 978-90-04-14291-6. (I.) Sluiter, (R.M.) Rosen (edd.) Free Speech in Classical Antiquity. (Mnemosyne Supplementum 254.) Pp. xii + 450. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2004. Cased, €120, US$162. ISBN: 978-90-04-13925-. [REVIEW]Sian Lewis - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):85-.
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    Dans les imaginaires de l’IA.Ariel Kyrou - 2020 - Multitudes 78 (1):75-83.
    Du film Her de Spike Jonze à 2001 L’Odyssée de l’espace de Stanley Kubrick, et des androïdes de Philip K. Dick à l’utopie intergalactique de la Culture de l’écrivain Iain M. Banks, il est impossible de comprendre aujourd’hui l’intelligence artificielle sans s’intéresser à ses puissants imaginaires. Ceux-ci, nourrissant bien des fantasmes de la Silicon Valley, sont essentiels à décrypter pour ne pas les subir, voire pour se les approprier et mieux les détourner, en faire des antidotes contre les multinationales du (...)
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    Lucrările Simpozionului Internaţional Cartea, România, Europa. Ediţia a II-1, 20–24 septembrie 2009; and Travaux de Symposium International Le Livre, la Roumanie, l’Europe. Troisième édition, 20–24 septembre 2010. [REVIEW]Stephanie W. Jamison - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    Lucrările Simpozionului Internaţional Cartea, România, Europa. Ediţia a II-1, 20–24 septembrie 2009. Edited by Julieta Rotaru. Secţiunea a treia: Studii Euroasiatice şi Afroasiatice—De la mit la ritual. Bucharest: Editura Biblioteca Bucureştilor, 2010. Pp. 461–738. Travaux de Symposium International Le Livre, la Roumanie, l’Europe. Troisième édition, 20–24 septembre 2010. Vol. 3: Études euro- et afro-asiatiques, III A: La Veda-Vedāṅga et l’Avesta entre oralité et écriture. Edited by Jan E. M. Houben and Julieta Rotaru. Bucharest: Éditeur Bibliothèque de Bucarest, 2011. Pp. 11–532.
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    M. Sastrapratedja, Lima Gagasan Yang Dapat Mengubah Indonesia, Jakarta: Pusat Kajian Filsafat dan Pancasila, 2013, 413 hlm. [REVIEW]Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (1):138-142.
    Lima gagasan yang dapat mengubah Indonesia itu tentu Pancasila. Sebagaimana ditulis Jakob Oetama dalam kata pengantar buku Profesor Sastrapratedja, sudah sangat mendesak untuk mengaktualisasikan kembali Pancasila. Pancasila sudah lama berada dalam bahaya, bukan karena masih ada kekuatan politik yang mempersoalkannya, melainkan karena dukungan terhadap Pancasila cenderung menguapkan maknanya. Di masa Demokrasi Terpimpin Pancasila semakin dikesampingkan oleh semboyan-semboyan lain di mana yang paling tragis adalah NASAKOM. Di masa Orde Baru Pancasila dinyatakan sakti dan sesudahnya jutaan saudara dan saudari sebangsa dibunuh, dikucilkan, (...)
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    “Leur philosophie est pour les autres; il m’en faudroit une pour moi”:Rousseau, Kierkegaard e o desenvolvimento da filosofia da existência/Rousseau, Kierkegaard and the development of existenz-philosophy.Gabriel Guedes Rossatti - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (1).
    Resumo: Em 1835, Kierkegaard escrevia que “o que de fato falta para mim é encontrar uma verdade que seja uma verdade para mim, encontrar a ideia pela qual eu viverei e morrerei”. Ora, mais de 50 anos antes Rousseau escrevera que “[s]ua filosofia [a dos filósofos sistemáticos] é para os outros; ser-me-ia necessária uma para mim”. O curioso, porém, é que Kierkegaard desenvolveria sua produção independentemente da de Rousseau, com a qual ele viria a ter contato apenas por volta de (...)
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    Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life, trans. by M. Chase, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1999, x + 309 hlm. (PWL); Pierre Hadot, What is Ancient Philosophy?, trans. by M. Case, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2004, xiv + 362 hlm. (WAP). [REVIEW]Haryanto Cahyadi - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (2):226-235.
    Tidak bisa disangkal bahwa filsafat Barat dewasa ini hampir identik dengan wacana filosofis (philosophical discourse), berupa konsep, teori, atau sistem, yang umumnya berkembang dinamis dan dipelajari sebagai disiplin keilmuan dalam lingkungan akademis melalui satuan kurikulum perguruan tinggi modern. Maka tidak mengherankan bila filsafat cenderung identik dengan filsafat akademis (academic philosophy). Namun berkat dua buku Pierre Hadot (1922-2010) kita terbantu untuk menyadari hilangnya sebagian besar pemahaman filsafat itu sendiri terutama wawasan klasik yang mengungkapkan fokus utama penghayatan maupun lintasan peralihan fokus utama (...)
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    The Influence of Dostoevsky on the Creative Work of A. A. Ukhtomskii.V. L. Merkulov - 1972 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 11 (2):195-206.
    The scientific career of the outstanding Russian physiologist A. A. Ukhtomskii was complex and full of contradictions. A descendant of Prince Vsevolod Big Nest [Bol'shoe Gnezdo] of Suzdal', he was strongly influenced by the traditions and legends of his caste. As a juvenile he was sent to the Nizhnii Novgorod Corps of Cadets where he developed a profound interest in philosophy, psychology, history, and literature. His fellow cadets of the same age were amazed at, and sometimes ridiculed the young Ukhtomskii's (...)
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    Where did the music go?Jaron Lanier, Paul D. Miller & Hey Paul - unknown
    IÂ’m only talking about commercial big time music in the United States. Of course music is gloriously seething in odd corners of the planet as it should. I can team up with some compatible friends and we can go find or make our own music in any of a number of accommodating environments- on the net, in the forest, or in some dank club late at night.
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    Le Dieu des philosophies et le Dieu des bonnes femmes.O. Reboul - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):41 - 45.
    L'article de M. Theau offre peu de prises au commentaire. II est lui-même un commentaire très dense et structuré de Ia philosophie religieuse d’ Alain. Oui, pour Alain l'anthropormorphisme est le vrai de Ia religion; celle-ci ne nous révèle que notre vérité humaine; mais notre vérité humaine a précisément besoin de nous être révélée. Et M. Theau de poser une question fort pertinente: comment l'imagination — cette imagination qui pour Alain est purement passionnelle et nullement créatrice — peut-elle Créer les (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Ceticismo de Hume através do Empirismo Transcendental de Deleuze: disjunção inclusiva e sujeito empírico.Hélio Rebello Cardoso Jr - 2008 - Doispontos 5 (1).
    re s u m o O pre s e nte artigo se inic ia com uma cláusula interna à filosof ia de l e u z e a na, a de que todo pens a me nto pode ser carc t e r i z a do pelo grau de ima n ê nc ia que o me s mo realiza. O pens a me nto de Hu me, como “e m p i r i s mo superior”, segundo ex (...)
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    The Neo-Idealist Reception of Kant in the Moscow Psychological Society.Randall Allen Poole - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):319-343.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Neo-Idealist Reception of Kant in the Moscow Psychological SocietyRandall A. Poole*The Moscow Psychological Society, founded in 1885 at Moscow University, was the philosophical center of the revolt against positivism in the Russian Silver Age. By the end of its activity in 1922 it had played the major role in the growth of professional philosophy in Russia. 1 The Society owes its name to its founder, M. M. Troitsky (...)
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    An approach to deciding the observational equivalence of Algol-like languages.C. -H. L. Ong - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 130 (1-3):125-171.
    We prove that the observational equivalence of third-order finitary Idealized Algol is decidable using Game Semantics. By modelling the state explicitly in our games, we show that the denotation of a term M of this fragment of IA is a compactly innocent strategy-with-state, i.e. the strategy is generated by a finite view function fM. Given any such fM, we construct a real-time deterministic pushdown automaton that recognizes the complete plays of the knowing-strategy denotation of M. Since such plays characterize observational (...)
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  38. Leibniz on innate ideas and the early reactions to the publication of the Nouveaux essais (1765).Giorgio Tonelli - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):437-454.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Leibniz on Innate Ideas and the Early Reactions to the Publication of the Nouveaux Essais (1765)* GIORGIO TONELLI LIzmNIz' Nouve~ Essais,written in 1703-1705 (citedhereafter as NE), were posthumously published by Raspe x in 1765, at the beginning of a Leibniz revivalwhich was alsomarked by thelargeDutens editionof 1768. As the greatupheaval in Kant's thought took place in 1769, and as thisupheaval had as one of itsmain characteristicsthe rejection of sensibility (...)
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  39. Estruturas e sistemas no idealismo kantiano.Elisabeth Schwartz - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (1).
    resumo No chama do período do “estrutura l i s mo” defendeu-se a id é ia de que havia uma oposição ent re essa filosof ia e o idealismo, especia l mente o ide a l i s mo subjetivo. O propósito deste texto é defender a tese oposta, de que há um forte elo interno entre o criticismo kantiano e o método estrutural em história da filosofia. Esse elo é partic u l a r me nte visível no estrutura (...)
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    Contraste de la frecuencia de salida del hogar ante la pandemia por COVID-19.Andrea Egas, Carmen Elena Santander, Marcelo Salazar & Alejandro Grijalva - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):40-45.
    En el siguiente estudio se evalúa un panorama con respecto al comportamiento sociológico en un preámbulo tanto antes durante y después de esta crisis social que se está viviendo debido a la pandemia de hoy en día. Por ello para sustentar dicha investigación se realizó un censo en el cuál, mediante el uso de herramientas estadísticas, se pudo realizar una comparación entre un antes y un durante de la pandemia, lo cual facilitaría intrínsicamente a la predicción de una denominada post (...)
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  41. Regarding the “False Conditional Premise”.Jonas Dagys & Mindaugas Briedis - 2006 - Problemos 70:176-181.
    Straipsnyje kritikuojamas 68-ame „Problemø“ numeryje skelbtas J. Èiurlionio teiginys, kad matematiniai Zenono Elëjieèio aporijos sprendimai „remiasi klaidinga implikacine prielaida“. Pirma, logikosdësniai nedraudþia ið klaidingø teiginiø pagrástai iðvesti teisingus teiginius, todël prielaidos klaidingumas neuþtikrina iðvados klaidingumo. Antra, minimos implikacijos antecedento loginæ reikðmæ lemiaempirinis faktas, todël net jei implikacijos konsekventas bûtinai klaidingas, implikacija yra loginiupoþiûriu atsitiktinë. Treèia, implikacijos konsekventas gali bûti interpretuojamas dvejopai. Viena interpretacija padaro já nomologiðkai bûtinai klaidingà, bet nerelevantiðkà Zenono aporijai; kita interpretacija padaro teiginá relevantiðkà, bet nebûtinai klaidingà. Taigi (...)
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  42. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Russell's Theory of Judgment in Logical Atomism.Guy Stock - 1972 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 28 (4):458 - 489.
    A intenção deste artigo é primàriamente exegética. Não pretende chegar a conclusães filosóficas substanciais nem fazer uma apreciação crítica. Pretende simplesmente esclarecer a versão de Russell quanto ao atomismo lógico, apresentando a sua teoria do juízo empírico num contexto histórico. A maior parte dos comentários contemporâneos falham neste ponto; contudo, afigura-se impossível compreender perfeitamente a teoria de Russell aeerca do conhecimento, bem como a Teoria das Descrições, como parte integrante daquela teoria, se não for encarada como uma tentativa para evitar (...)
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    Inteligência Artificial e os Riscos Existenciais Reais: Uma Análise das Limitações Humanas de Controle.Murilo Karasinski & Kleber Bez Birolo Candiotto - 2022 - Filosofia Unisinos:1-12.
    A partir da hipótese de que a inteligência artificial como tal não representaria o fim da supremacia humana, uma vez que, na essência, a IA somente simularia e aumentaria aspectos da inteligência humana em artefatos não biológicos, o presente artigo questiona sobre o risco real a ser enfrentado. Para além do embate entre tecnofóbicos e tecnofílicos, o que se defende, então, é que as possíveis falhas de funcionamento de uma inteligência artificial – decorrentes de sobrecarga de informação, de uma programação (...)
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    Hastīʹshināsī-i falsafī: sharḥ-i Tuḥfat al-ḥakīm-i āyat allāh Shaykh Muḥammad Ḥusayn Gharavī Iṣfahānī.Ghulām Riz̤ā Raḥmānī - 2009 - Qum: Muʼassasah-i Būstān-i Kitāb. Edited by Muḥammad Ḥusayn Gharavī.
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    T. Gabrielson, C. Hall, J.M. Meyer and D. Schlosberg (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory.Guy M. Robinson - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (4):532-534.
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  47. Vicious Pleasures [Articles Tr. From the Fr. By W.M.T.].Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi & M. T. W. - 1896
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  48. Thoughts From Amiels' 'Journal Intime' [Ed. By A.M.P.].Henri Frédéric Amiel & M. P. A. - 1903
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    Yablo’s Paradox and Russellian Propositions.Gregory Landini - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (2):127-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 22, 2009 (8:41 pm) G:\WPData\TYPE2802\russell 28,2 048red.wpd russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 28 (winter 2008–09): 127–42 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036-01631; online 1913-8032 YABLO’S PARADOX AND RUSSELLIAN PROPOSITIONS Gregory Landini Philosophy / U. of Iowa Iowa City, ia 52242–1408, usa [email protected] Is self-reference necessary for the production of Liar paradoxes? Yablo has given an argument that self-reference is not necessary. He (...)
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    Epistemology of the Quran: Elements of a Virtue Approach to Knowledge and Understanding.M. Ashraf Adeel - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book examines all verses of the Quran involving knowledge related concepts. It begins with the argument that an analysis of the Quranic concept of ignorance points to epistemic virtues that can pave our way towards gaining knowledge and/or understanding. It deals with the Quranic concepts of perceptual, rational, and revelatory knowledge as well as understanding and wisdom in the light of recent discussions in Western analytic epistemology. It also argues that the relevant Quranic verses seem to involve concept of (...)
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